The Retail Apocalypse Is Only Just Beginning

9 min read

We are on the verge of entering a new and better world. A few days ago, I was driving around tending to minor errands that have been accumulating over the last week or so. It was late afternoon and since I skipped lunch, I was beginning to get hungry. I thought I’d swing into Subway and order one of their low-calorie cheese and broccoli soup offerings to hold me over until dinner. They’re a decent price, at least before the COVID-19 lockdown, and not bad nutritionally. Even though there were no customers lined up at the glass counter watching their...

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Vic Napier Vic Napier has been studying and writing about economics, psychology and popular science since 2005. His main economic interests are labor markets, statistics, human resources and emerging technologies. He spent 15 years teaching Business, Psychology and Statistics to undergraduates and loved every minute. Vic loves living his dreams in historic Tucson Arizona in the beautiful Sonoran Desert. Visit his website at and his page at

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